Introducing the new Overtake King Award
The 2022 season is nearly under way – and this year, F1 and are letting you, the fans, be the judges of the best on-track action, with the Overtake King Award.
At each Grand Prix, starting with the Bahrain season-opener, F1 fans can vote via social media for the boldest and bravest manoeuvre of the day – with that driver earning the Overtake King Award.
READ MORE: See how Sebastian Vettel won the 2021 Overtake Award
But that’s not all. With one winner per round, at the end of the 2022 season, each and every winning moment will then be pitted against one another, with the fans again voting for their absolute favourite on-track move of the season – and with that driver being crowned the 2022 Overtake King. will also be tracking which drivers make up the most positions on Lap 1 of each race, with the results broadcast out over the International Feed.
To play your part in selecting the winner of the 2022 Overtake King Award, simply tune into the race and then cast your vote on social media every Tuesday after the Grands Prix.
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