The First Time - with Sauber's Esteban Gutierrez


Having finished his first season of F1 racing - 2013 - 16th in the championship table, Mexico's Esteban Gutierrez is having a tougher time of it in 2014 and is still awaiting his first points of the year.

In the meantime, with the prospect of his first home Grand Prix in 2015 to spur him on, we thought we'd quiz the Sauber star on a few of the other firsts in his life...

Who was your first hero when you were a child?

Esteban Gutierrez: My mum - when I knew what she went through just before I was born.

What was the first Grand Prix you can remember watching?

EG: It was in Montreal in 2007. I will never forget that because Robert Kubica crashed just in front of me.

How old were you when you first decided you wanted to be an F1 driver?

EG: I was 14 years old when I decided that this would be my destiny.

When was your first big accident in a race car?

EG: That was in pre-season testing in Formula BMW. It was quite a shunt - but there was no harm to me.

What colour was your first helmet?

EG: Yellow, gold, blue - very sophisticated! (laughs)

When did you win your first trophy in racing and what did it look like?

EG: It was in karting in 2004 and it felt like nothing I had experienced before: to be on the podium after a fantastic fight - and go away with the trophy. It looked like a standard trophy - and not really big - but for me right then it was the most beautiful pot in the world!

What was the first road car you drove?

EG: My brother's VW Jetta VR6. I remember he didn't really trust me…

Where was the first house you lived in?

EG: In Monterrey, Mexico. I still live there whenever I am in Mexico.

How nervous were you on your first day of school?

EG: I don't remember ever feeling nervous in school - not even on day one!

What was the first meal you ever cooked?

EG: My special quesadillas. I still cook them when I am home in Mexico.

What was the first thing you did this morning?

EG: Woke up and texted ‘good morning' to my girlfriend.

What was the first thing you did after getting your first F1 seat?

EG: Smiled and promised to myself that I'll do anything that is needed to be a world champion, no matter how challenging it gets.

What was the first record you bought?

EG: Definitely something Mexican, but I'm not really sure.

What was the first sport you participated in as a kid?

EG: Golf and basketball. But then came my brother's car and I knew where my destiny lied…

When was your first romantic kiss?

EG: Truely romantic? Not so long ago.

When was the first time you were asked to sign an autograph for a fan?

EG: In 2007, when my mum told me she was also a fan of mine. She asked me to sign a picture of us dedicated to her.

When did you first taste champagne?

EG: Hard to say... maybe a New Year's Eve long ago.

Which would you eat first - a piece of fruit or a piece of chocolate?

EG: Fruit - and I would add special Mexican spicy chili powder. (laughs)

What was the first word you said as a baby?

EG: Good question. I'd have to investigate with my mum.



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