WATCH: From hilarious team radio messages to press conference shenanigans – Vettel's funniest F1 moments


Sebastian Vettel was not just one of Formula 1's best drivers, he was also one of the funniest personalities in the paddock. With the four-time world champion retiring from the sport, here is a compilation of some of his most hilarious moments from over the years.

From messing with his rivals – especially the Mercedes drivers – in the press conferences to leaving the media in stiches, the German rarely failed to make us all laugh, while even in the most serious of situations, Vettel always saw the lighter side.

READ MORE: ‘He pushed us in every area’ – Aston Martin expect to reap the rewards of Vettel’s efforts in coming seasons

Vettel was also involved in some hilarious on-track moments – who can forget his infamous message to the Ferrari pit wall about a loose part in his car in Brazil...

For this and much more, click on the video player above to relive some of the funniest moments from Vettel’s career.


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